October 11, 2005

Never, never, never give up

Find below, quality quotations about never giving up:

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and the time that the tide will turn.” Harriet Beecher Stowe

“Never give in – never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Winston Churchill

“When things go wrong as they some times will; when the road you are trudging seems all uphill, when the funds are low and the debts are high; when you want to smile but you have to sigh; when care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, as every one of us sometime learns; Don't give up though the pace seems slow; you might succeed with another blow. And many a failure turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out; Success is failure turned inside out--the silver lining of the cloud of doubt, and you can never tell how close you are; it may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit; It's when things get worse that you mustn't quit!”

“If you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, to work day and night for it, to give up your time, your peace, and your sleep for it...if all that you dream and scheme is about it, and life seems useless and worthless it...if you gladly sweat for it and fret for it and plan for it and lose all your terror of the opposition for it (perfect love casteth away all fear)...if you simply go after that thing you want with all of your capacity, strength and sagacity, faith, hope and confidence and stern pertinacity...if neither cold, poverty, famine, nor gout, sickness nor pain, of body or brain, can keep you away from the thing that you want...if dogged and grim you besiege and beset it, with the help of God, you will get it.” Les Brown (Live Your Dreams)

“Sometimes the physical side says give up and lie down but the better half says ‘Here I am send me.’” James E. Faust

“Think of the long view of life, not just what's going to happen today or tomorrow. Don't give up what you most want in life for something you think you want now.” Russell M. Nelson

“It is when I turn to Christ, when I give myself up to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own. Your real, new self will not come as long as you are looking for it. It will come when you are looking for Him. Give up yourself, and you will find your real self . . . look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.” C.S. Lewis (“Mere Christianity” p. 226)


  1. Brent,

    This is a sweet collection of quotes on a great topic. I'll have to keep my eye out for any of the citations that you're still looking for. Many of those who have achieved greatness in life did so after enduring a difficult challenge. It is interesting to wonder if they would have risen to the same height without opposition. I am an extremely driven person, but even when I look back at my own life I can see that I have performed better under pressure, especially when there was resistance against what I knew I wanted or what I felt was right. To find greatness, I think all of us have to look within. There is something there that makes us who we are. Facing situations that require persistence to succeed brings that greatness out in those that don't give up. Nice collection of quotes!

  2. "Success is failure turned inside out"

    "when I give myself up to [Christ's] personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own"

    Thanks, awesome quotes! a few favorites:

    "God is more interested in your
    character than your comfort. God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy" (Richard Warren)

    "The path of least resistance is the path of the loser" (H.G. Wells)

    "That which we obtain too easily, do we esteem to lightly" (Thomas Paine)

    "…our most difficult experiences become the crucibles that forge our character and develop the internal powers, the freedom to handle difficult circumstances in the future and to inspire others to do so as well." (Stephen R. Covey)
